Raised: $0 of $750,000 (0%)


It Takes a Village: Let’s Invest Together in the Future of Our Muslim Youth

Current and Upcoming Fundraising Activities:

Join us downtown at the Islamic Center of Madison on Friday, March 21 for Jumu’ah and Taraweeh, and Saturday, March 22 for Taraweeh.

Nightly at Masjid Us-Sunnah throughout Ramadan. Learn about our joint fundraising effort - HERE.

Ways to Give

Your donation is a continuous charity (Sadaqah Jariyah) that will benefit generations of Muslim children.

Online – Make a secure contribution today. Donations go directly to the Madinah Academy of Madison Building Fund account.

  • Zelle - use your banking app to pay Madinah Academy of Madison, Inc. at donate@mamonline.org

  • Paypal - click here

  • Venmo - link coming soon.

Check or Cash - Deliver checks or cash to the school office or mail them to MAM at 6501 Watts Rd., Madison, WI 53719. Include a note that the donation is for the MAM Building Fund.

Matching Gifts – Contact the Madinah Academy Board of Directors (boardofdirectors@mamonline.org) about working with us to offer a donor match. 

Madinah Academy of Madison nurtures the minds, hearts, and faith of our community’s youth. This purchase is about more than a physical building, it is about coming together as a community to invest in the Islamic identity and education of our children for generations to come.

Securing the future of Madinah Academy allows us to:

📌 Develop Strong Islamic Identity
In a world where Islamic values are often challenged, our school provides a safe space where children can grow in their faith, develop a strong Muslim identity, and build confidence in practicing Islam.

📌 Offer Holistic Islamic Education
Beyond academics, the school instills Quranic values, the love of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), and the character-building principles of Islam, shaping our students into future leaders who carry their faith with pride.

📌 Create a Community Legacy
By securing this building, we ensure that generations of children will have a place to learn, pray, and thrive in an environment rooted in Islamic teachings. This is an investment in the Ummah, benefiting not just our youth but our entire community.

📌 Build a Stronger Future for Our Children

By securing this building, we are preserving our children’s right to learn, grow, and practice Islam with confidence in an environment that nurtures both their faith and education.

Allah SWT says: “… and spend something (in charity) out of the provision which we have bestowed you, before death should come to any of you and he should say, o my Rabb! Why do you not give me respite for a little while? I should then have given (largely) in charity, and I should have been one of the doers of good.” (Qur’an, 63:10)

Questions About Donating:

Call: (608) 888-2021

Email: boardofdirectors@mamonline.org

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your support in strengthening the foundation of Islamic education in our community!

Thank You!

  • 2025 Ramadan Show and Fair - over $62,000 in donations and pledges!

  • Islamic Center of East Madison - over $9,000 in donations and pledges!

Joint Fundraising with MCC

Madinah Academy of Madison and Madinah Community Center/Masjid Us-Sunnah have teamed up to raise funds for three important goals:

  • Madinah Academy "Buy the Building" Campaign – Securing a permanent home for our beloved Islamic school, nurturing the next generation of Muslim leaders.

  • Masjid Us-Sunnah Operations – Ensuring the house of worship across from the school remains functional, welcoming, and well-maintained.

  • Building a Gym – Creating a much-needed space for our youth and community programs, fostering engagement and personal development.

Together, MAM and MCC are seeking 500 dedicated individuals to pledge $250 per month for the next 12 months, or make a one-time contribution of $3,000. Donations to this joint campaign will be divided equally across all three initiatives, ensuring a balanced investment in our Masjid, school, and Gym.

To pledge your support for these three goals, sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/TzGdmTFtqv?origin=lprLink

Fundraising Fun!

Check out photos of our fundraising efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t we keep renting?

Our landlord generously rents us the property at a deep discount because he believes in our goal of providing excellence in academic education grounded in Islam and guided by the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). When we signed our lease in June of 2021 we agreed that beginning in July of 2026 we would pay the market rate for rent. We anticipate that being more than $312,000 a year. When you do the math you can see that in just over two years we would spend more in rent than we would to purchase the building.

Why do you need $750,000?

Our current lease contract at 6501 Watts Road allows us the option to purchase the school’s half of the building before July of 2026 at a fixed purchase price of $750,000.

Why aren’t we buying the entire building?

Raising $750,000 is a large, but achievable goal, insha’Allah. The Madinah Academy of Madison Board of Directors and Trustees feel confident that we can raise this amount and ensure that we have a physical space for our elementary and middle school classes. We have discussed purchasing the entire building, but have decided that we will consider that option after we have raised the amount we need to secure our half of the building.

Why this building?

Madinah Academy is located across the street from Masjid Us-Sunnah. While our school community attends masjids across Dane County and beyond, we see value in this location because it offers our students, families, and staff easy access to one of our local masjids before, during, and after the school day. Additionally, we have invested $250,000 in improvements into this building so it makes sense to continue this investment.

Why are you doing joint fundraising with MCC?

Madinah Academy is located across the street from Masjid Us-Sunnah and ensuring their success is good for the school. Ultimately, both the school and the masjid belong to the community, and we are merely stewards entrusted with ensuring that these vital institutions remain strong for generations to come, insha'Allah. By working together to raise funds for the masjid, school, and gym we are demonstrating to the community that together we can achieve more than we can alone.

Can I give directly to the school or do I have to contribute to the MAM/MCC Joint fundraising effort?

May your generosity be rewarded by Allah (SWT) regardless of how you support the Muslim community. Donors should give to the institutions and causes that they are passionate about. You can give to the joint effort, or if you prefer you can give directly to the school. Donations sent to the school or that are received using the school’s online donation platforms will go directly into MAM’s ‘Buy our Building’ account and will not be shared with other organizations.