2023-24 Curriculum
Madinah Academy is updating its curriculum for the year 2021-2022. We are not only updating the curriculum to the latest publications but introducing enrichment programs for English, Science and Math to prepare our pupils to excel in high school and beyond.
One of the most important changes starting in 2021 is introduction of leadership training for the administrators, teachers, students and their parents. Madinah Academy is partnering with Leader in Me program, based on Stephen Covey’s “7 habits of highly effective people” and engaging in character and akhlaq building through monthly themes.
Madinah Academy of Madison Curriculum
Core Knowledge
Language Arts - Visual Arts - History and Geography - Science
Core knowledge uses a coherent, cumulative, knowledge-based curriculum. Core Knowledge Foundation went through a long process of research and consensus-building to develop the Core Knowledge Sequence.
The Core Knowledge Sequence helps children establish strong foundations of knowledge, and includes all of the subject matter that should be taught to each grade from kindergarten to 8th grade in a comprehensive and engaging curriculum.
Mensa for Kids
The Mensa Foundation’s mission is to inspire and empower intelligence across all walks of life. Mensa for Kids is dedicated to providing educational resources for children to stimulate intellectual growth in kids, regardless of their affiliation with Mensa. Mensa for Kids Lesson Plans are learning units that are designed to go beyond the standard curriculum.
Singapore Math
The Singapore math method is a highly effective teaching approach originally developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education for Singapore public schools. Singapore is consistently ranked among the top in the world in mathematics. The curriculum came to the United States in 1998, and its sequential progression of concepts allows students to develop an inherent understanding of math.
Art of Problem Solving
Building the Next Generation of Problem-Solvers Through Advanced Online Math
AoPS is an advanced math curriculum designed to help students reach their fullest potential in mathematics. It was designed as an interactive online math curriculum with challenging problems that instills creativity and teaches persistence. AoPS additionally offers inspiring mentors and instructors, helping students develop a love of learning.
For Elementary School Madinah Academy is implementing Create for STEM curriculum. CREATE for STEM at Michigan State University provides research-based science curricula developed with funding from the National Science Foundation and other sources. These high-quality project-based learning materials are tightly aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), piloted by dozens of teachers in real-world settings, and then tested for efficacy on large and diverse populations of students.
For middle School, Madinah Academy is implementing continuation of problem based learning curriculum with the OpenSciEd, built on the Next Generation Science Standards. The OpenSciEd Instructional Model uses a storyline approach– a logical sequence of lessons that are motivated by students’ questions that arise from students’ interactions with phenomena.
To help teachers and students advance through a unit story-line, the instructional model takes advantage of five routines—activities that play specific roles in advancing the story-line with structures to help students achieve the objectives of those activities. The routines typically follow a pattern as students kick off a unit of study, investigate different questions they have, put the pieces together from those investigations, and then problematize the next set of questions to investigate.
Generation Genius is a comprehensive science teaching resource for kindergarten through 8th grade. It consists of educational videos integrating lesson plans, science experiments, quizzes and more to teach science concepts in a fun and engaging way.
Computer Science education in New York City emphasizes the creative application of computer science, or creative computing, because it provides hands-on experience that can lead to multiple pathways for future learning. It can be adapted to meet the needs of all schools, teachers, and students and engages teachers and students with current technologies and problems. It provides hands-on experience that leads to multiple pathways for future learning.
Islamic Studies
It is not enough to simply memorize the Qur’an on its own. At Madinah Academy, we will help instill Islamic ethics in your children and teach them the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. By learning and living by the teachings of the Prophet, Muslims gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a believer.
The Madinah Academy of Madison recognizes the importance of passing down the teachings of Islam to the coming generation and cultivating a love for the Qur’an in our Muslim youth from an early age. Because of this, we teach every student who attends our school the language of the Qur’an from learning the Arabic alphabet to being able to hold fluent conversations in Arabic. The Arabic program grows in tandem with the Qur’an program as students are able to understand the deeper meaning of the text as their Arabic fluency increases.