The Trustees ensure Madinah Academy of Madison remains true to its Islamic education mission. The Trustees support the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity and vote alongside the Board of Directors on major financial decisions (e.g. purchasing a building).
Ibrahim Saeed
Represents Islamic Center of Downtown Madison. Former MAM Board member.
Samina Khan
Active community member. Expertise in real estate and development.
Abdiwahid Said
Represents Masjid Sunnah/ Madinah Community Center.
Ibrahim Kheraz
Former MAM Board member and long-time community member of Madison.
Safwan Shoukfeh
Former MAM Administrator and Board member. Certified Public Accountant.
Nasra Wehelie
Active community member with expertise in non-profits and youth development. Serves as District 7 Alder on the Madison City Council.
Oumar Keita
Represents the Islamic Center of East Madison.
Omar Yassin
Parent representative. Former MAM Board member.